Virginia College
Societas Rosicruciana
in Civitatibus Foederatis

Fraternal Greetings and
Welcome to
Our Official Home Page
RWF Alan W. Adkins, IX°
Chief Adept
WF R. Donald L. McAndrews, VII⁰, Celebrant

For OFFICIAL Information
James B. Bartley, IX° Secretary/Treas.
621 Third Street, Herndon, VA 20170-3145
e-mail: Phone: (703) 470-471

Virginia College, SRICF, meets four times a year, in September, December, March, and on the second Saturday of June for its Annual Convocation. The Annual meeting is held in Richmond, Virginia, whereas the other Convocations occur around the Commonwealth. The SRICF is an Esoteric Masonic research society whose primary purpose is to enhance the Masonic education of our members, expand their knowledge of the ancient mysteries, and provide a better understanding of the world at large.
Except for the annual Convocation, the members meet to hear speakers and present papers which are then submitted for publication in the SRICF “Ad Lucem”. Membership is restricted to Virginia College, SRICF, meets four times a year, in September, December, March, and on the second Saturday of June for its Annual Convocation.
The Annual meeting is held in Richmond, Virginia, whereas the other Convocations occur around the Commonwealth. The SRICF is an Esoteric Masonic research society whose primary purpose is to enhance the Masonic education of our members, expand their knowledge of the ancient mysteries, and provide a better understanding of the world at large. Except for the annual Convocation, the members meet to hear speakers and present papers which are then submitted for publication in the SRICF “Ad Lucem”.
Membership is restricted to Master Masons who are of the Christian faith and then by invitation only. Initiations into the Order are conferred only at the Annual Convocation in June.

OFFICERS 2024-2025

Chief Adept Alan W. Adkins, IX⁰
Secretary Joseph E. Gadea, VII⁰
Treasurer James B. Bartley, IX⁰
Celebrant Donald L. McAndrews, VII⁰
Suffragan Patrick C. Murphrey, VII⁰
1 st Ancient Jason W. Lotz, VII⁰
2 nd Ancient J. Brandon Hale, VII⁰
3 rd Ancient Peter J. Gordon, VII⁰
4 th Ancient Joel D. Ratliff, Sr, VII⁰
Conductor of Novices Howard J. Snowden, IV⁰

Organist Henry G. Sharber, IV⁰
1 st Herald Michael T. Huff, IV⁰
2 nd Herald J. Richard Rawls, IV⁰
Torch Bearer Jonathan T. Ruark, IV⁰
Guardian of the Caverns Clinton W. Hues, IV⁰
Medalist Raymond D. Steele, IV⁰
Acolyte Joseph H. Martinez, VII⁰
Librarian Joel D. Bundy, VI⁰
Prelate Peter S. Jensen, IV⁰

Trustees for the Investment Account
Joel T. Bundy, MD, VI°
Jason W. Lotz, IVI°
William F. Reinhold, VIII°

Operated and Maintained by
Dan Pushee IX°, KGC